Background: Between 75 and 89% of residents living in long-term care facilities have limited mobility. Nurses as\nwell as other licensed and unlicensed personnel directly involved in resident care are in a key position to promote\nand maintain the mobility of care-dependent persons. This requires a certain level of competence. Kinaesthetics is a\ntraining concept used to increase nursing staff�s interaction and movement support skills for assisting caredependent\npersons in their daily activities. This study aims to develop and test an observation instrument for\nassessing nursing staff�s competences in kinaesthetics.\nMethods: The Kinaesthetics Competence (KC) observation instrument was developed between January and June\n2015 based on a literature review, a concept analysis and expert meetings (18). The pilot instrument was evaluated\nwith two expert panels (n = 5, n = 4) regarding content validity, usability and inter-rater agreement. Content validity\nwas assessed by determining the content validity index (CVI). The final instrument was tested in a cross-sectional\nstudy in three nursing homes in the German-speaking part of Switzerland between July 2015 and February 2016. In\nthis study nursing staff (n = 48) was filmed during mobilization situations. Based on this video data two observers\nindependently assessed nursing staff�s competences in kinaesthetics with the KC observation instrument. Inter-rater\nreliability and inter-rater agreement was evaluated using the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) and percentage\nof agreement. Construct validity was assessed by a discriminating power analysis. Internal consistency was\nevaluated using Cronbach�s alpha coefficient and item analysis.\nResults: The final version of the KC observation instrument comprised of four domains (interaction, movement\nsupport of the person, nurses� movement, environment) and 12 items. The final instrument showed an excellent\ncontent validity index of 1.0. Video sequences from 40 persons were analysed. Inter-rater reliability for the whole\nscale was good (ICC 0.73) and the percentage of inter-rater agreement was 53.6% on average. Cronbach�s alpha\ncoefficient for the whole instrument was 0.97 and item-total correlations ranged from 0.76 to 0.90. The construct\nvalidity of the instrument was supported by a significant discrimination of the instrument between nursing staff\nwith no or basic and with advanced kinaesthetics training for the total score and 3 of 4 subscales. Conclusions: The KC observation instrument showed good preliminary psychometric properties and can be used\nto assess nursing staff�s competences in mobility care based on the principles of kinaesthetics